TEME DIPLOME - Lidershipi efektiv si parakusht per autonomine shkollore - Effective leadership as a prerequisite for school autonomy

http://temediplome.blogspot.com/University of TiranaFaculty of Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology , PedagogyDiploma thesisEffective leadership as a prerequisite for school autonomy
Acknowledgements :Conducting this study has helped us to expand knowledge in the field of leadership and management in education . We came to know through his manner of driving and the many problems in public high schools , but also to see education under a different light , not just as implementing ordinances that come from above pe r because of duty but as a

cooperative and a reform of enterprise many in favor of repairing spun qualitative education in the country .A special gratitude to dedicate it to all the teachers who staff this school year to prepare them with the academic and scientific , have left an important mark on our professional formation .Special thanks to the leadership of Prof. topic . Karameta pigeon , who with his professionalism and communication helped us in every step of our research work .The directors also thank Kavaja gymnasiums and Lushnja of which helped us enormously in evaluating the students and collecting the items .Finally , we express our gratitude to all those who have supported and motivated us in our work , especially our families .Thanks to everyone
abstractSchool autonomy is an element of internal development and as such schools is very important as improving their promotes and develops competition aftwsine quality educational institutions in general . Different scholars but also world experience or existing private and educational institutions have provided evidence for the positive sides of school autonomy .In this study are presented theoretical data based on successful school leaders in effective leadership , presents the results of the study , whose main answer to the study hypothesis on the fact that the school leader is a prerequisite for school autonomy .The survey data in addition to substantiate this hypothesis , gave a series of questions and answers on how implementation is already affecting some elements related to the curriculum , which are the first steps towards school autonomy .To measure how effective a leader can affect school autonomy is using an unstructured interview with the directors and is doing a survey with teachers . Results of the study are presented in percentage and in the conclusions chapter is doing a more detailed analysis of data for comparison .

Table of Contents
Case no. SiteMirenjohje...................................................................................................................................2Abstrakt.......................................................................................................................................3Hyrje..........................................................................................................................................5-8Chapter l : review literatures...........................................................................................9-15
and scope of the issueChapter 2 : Metodologjia.........................................................................................................16-18Chapter 3 : Results of studimit.............................................................................................19-26Chapter 4:Diskutimi................................................................................................................27-31Chapter 5 : Conclusions and recommendations ............................................ ................................ 32-34Bibliografia....................................................................................................................................35Appendix ............................................................................................................................................1.Intervista......................................................................................................................................2.Anketimi.......................................................................................................................................3.Organize dhenat.....................................................................................................................................
entryIn the current decade , the vision of school autonomy has evolved little since the transfer of new responsibilities to schools not built into the overall process of political and administrative structural renovation . In most countries , school autonomy is now seen as a means to improve the quality of education .Despite the commitment of governments and international agencies for the education sector , efficient and equitable access to education remains illusory for many people in the world . On a global scale ,
Their responses to these problems expressed in the initiative " Education for All" . At the local level , is typical " World Bank program in our country " Quality and equality for all . " However , even when children have access to education , its quality is often low . International tests , such as the Programme for International Student Assessment ( PISA ) , show that the majority of students in developing countries have low scores . Already seen clearly that , in the absence of reforms , simply increase the resources allocated equity does not increase or improve the quality of education . Among the many strategies that are being implemented in various countries of the world , it is recognized in the Basic School Autonomy .

Study aims and hypothesesThe purpose of the paper : Conduct a study to see how it can affect the effectiveness of school autonomy LeaderScientific tasks of this study focuses on three main areas :- To present theoretical experience in terms of school autonomy- To present the philosophy of development through school autonomy- To present the strategies to be followed in the context of the development of school autonomyThe main hypothesis of this study is :Effective leader is an essential condition towards school autonomyOther hypotheses of the study are :- School autonomy can be created as a result of collaboration with community- Development of autonomy can be promoted by the government through competitions to win grants through projects submitted by different schools- Effective Schools are always associated with effective leaderThe methodology used
To realize this study used a variety of methods , including : the study of literature , collection of contextual material , unstructured interviews , survey subjects. The data collected are analyzed and presented graphically .champions :Samples used are high school principals and public " Alexander Moses " Kavaja and " 18 October" LushnjeWere interviewed about 6 speaker ( 4 2drejtorë and deputy directors ) and 70 teachers were surveyed .instrumentsInstruments used are questionnaires concerning the collection of data regarding the relationship that stands between a leader guiding efktiv and having a successful school . Also the use of the interview with school leadersThe work plan for the study is concentrated in a few steps :- In the first place has become familiar with the literature on the topic . Fokusova later to the results of some schools that had good results in the academic field as well as some others that are not ever distinguish good results or for occasional improvements in the analysis of the results of the percentage of students passing grades and to Average raw for years .- The choice of schools was so that they do not have a geographic distribution close to each other even though the number of schools take in this study is small .- The study sought to include in its composition some elements that strengthen and support the validity . Still can not avoid some other elements that weaken the study .Interpretation of the results of the study focuses particularly on data collected from interviews with principals and schools in the study received .The structure of the paperThe structure of this diploma thesis paper included : the introduction , the chapter on data up to date study on the effectiveness of schools , which have a long tradition in the field of autonomy , the methodology used , the chapter discussing the results, conclusions and recommendations , bibliography and appendices .Theories included as an element of this chapter serve to give the theoretical background as well as to get acquainted with different perspectives of the development of autonomous schools under the direction of an effective leader .In the methodology chapter presents methods and instruments that are used to fulfill the purpose of studying and collecting information to verify the hypothesis . It also presented ways of construction and management tools .The chapter contains the results of the study results consistent with the measured variables intended .In chapter conclusions included the main conclusions and recommendations of the paper used for tregurar us the way towards the gradual development towards school autonomyIn the paper are presented bibliography , unstructured interviews , questionnaire .

 Chapter 1 Review of the literature
field and matterI - Inputs for definitions of key conceptsBelow we will elaborate definitions of key terms that are part of this study .- General understanding of school autonomySchool-based autonomy means decentralization of authority from central government to the level of the school . He can be seen as a formal change of governance structures , which identifies individual schools as primary units of improvementSchool autonomy is conceptualized as a process of escalating not only to carry peculiarities and difficulties , but also to the conditions and characteristics of our education system . " Although reforms are taking place several decades , school autonomy remains a key issue to the political agenda in most European countries ," noted a few years ago Ján Figel ' , European Commissioner for former Education, Training , Culture and Youth .- What is the philosophy of education , autonomy and leadership
" Asrimi plays a key role in how you choose to live your life - a higher level of education means higher income , better health and a longer life . Similarly, costs are high long-term failure of education in social and financial aspects . Those who do not have the ability to participate in social and economic life , will generate higher costs for health , income support , child welfare and social security . So , a fair and comprehensive system that puts all available advantages of education is one of the most powerful levers to make society more equal . Education was expanded significantly in the last half century , but only partially implemented the hope that this will automatically lead to a more just society . "
George Vangjeli

Precisely because of the vital importance of education for the development of society is important that you pay proper attention by the appropriate state education quality improvement and it starts exactly with the improvement of school management by creating a more effective speaker . Below you will see what steps are still jumping , and are expected to jump in the context of improving education in our country .

" Strengthening the capacity for self-management leadership teams of schools "MES is implementing the National Education Strategy ( scalps ) - 2009/2013 in an effort to increase access and quality of education services . Meanwhile , reform and strengthen decision-making and management capacity coincides with one of the priorities within the European Partnership , under which ... the Government is committed to achieving school autonomy through education reform in cooperation with the groups of interesit'1 .1 . " National Education Strategy 2009-2013 " , page 16 ; 12 . " National Education Strategy 2009-2013 " , pages 19-20 ; 2In this context prevails , implementation of school autonomy in the areas of curriculum , funding , personnel and management at the school level and above, supplemented by legal basis and the implementing bodies përkatëse.Në this decentralized system , schools will ' required to take responsibility for planning , managing and improving the quality of services they provide . implementation of school autonomy in the areas of curriculum , funding , personnel and management at the school level and above effectively accomplished by completing the relevant legal basis and setting bodies responsible for enforcement of supervision. Grant scheme for schools , as an essential element of school autonomy , will favor the creation of capacities for planning and budgeting at the school level and at local government levels . Here are intended to increase the efficiency and transparency of the school administration and the new roles of school leaders as managers .

1.Strategjia National Education 2009-2013 " , page 16 .2.Strategjia National Education 2009-2013 ' , page 16-20 .

Despite fluctuations , which may accompany the process , progress towards school autonomy will be sustainable in the next 5 years . Large schools or small groups of schools will test the model of autonomy . It is interesting to note a draft project for school improvement and strengthening of school autonomy , within the Program Excellence and Equity in Education ( EEE-P) .- Contributions to previous studiesOn the other hand studies conducted by different researchers on enhancing the quality of service and improving school academic results refer precisely the fact that the leader of the school is the main factor affecting the performance rhythmic and effectively solving problems related meadministrimin and successful management of the school .Researcher mention Gray, who has argued about the effectiveness of school management , the importance of being the leader of a school level academic institution leadership is one of the most important messages that ultimately affects the effectiveness of management problems at school . his work he drew attention to the fact that admission in any of the studies carried out in recent dhjetëvjçarin school effectiveness there is evidence to suggest the existence of a functional link between high school and running presence of a weak leadership at the school .British researchers Purkey and Smith in collaboration with American colleagues have concluded that the availability of a strong leadership is a necessity to effectively track school matters .Introducing the element of autonomy in running the school from its leader that emerges eliminates the need to compensate executives nëpërmjetcilësive element that should show his personality during the negotiations for the display of determination to achieve the goals it has set schools .On the other hand , this element helps the driver to vetzhvillojë some other skills related to opportunities for negotiation with various sources to help the school as different foundations to support education , local axhensitë that may have direct or indirect links etc. .In this situation, effective leaders are distinguished and successful as the level of efficiency of establishing connections and contacts with these organizations also responsible for changing the conservation partnership links with them for the benefit of school improvement . It also expresses as Fullan will mean that effective change comes from within the school itself and not by external factors .
We should note that people who have chosen to run this new way of running the school . Besides the qualities and skills that can be acquired through training and qualifying courses for executives are also quite a few important personal characteristics to be effective leaders .
Determining the level of autonomy that would be allowed by law schools is a key aspect of the process jetërsimit school autonomy . I think that for determining the level of autonomy of schools we can be informed by two key sources .
First , the diverse experiences that gave rise to models during the past 3 decades in European countries .Thus , the massive changes that were implemented in this space of time , made the policy of school autonomy spread in almost all European countries . All these countries have adopted top down approach that has provided a strong framework for the schools new freedoms . Concluded that in these countries , school autonomy reforms have gone through several stages in the process and have implemented the ideas of different schools of thought .Initially , in 80 years , reforms were linked to the political issue of democratic participation and stressed the need for opening more schools to their local communities . For example , in Spain , in the spirit of the Constitution , LODE ( Organic Law on the right to education ) school autonomy considered as means to achieve democratic participation . All sectors of the educational community should be represented in the decision making process of the school . Similarly , in France , a new legal status for the group of second-tier classes of basic education , management gave them greater freedom , while the decree of August 1985, revealed the conditions of school autonomy based on the principle of openness schools to their communities .In 90 years , school autonomy reforms were strongly linked with a theory that linked the move to dual political decentralization ( new freedom for the participation of local actors ) the movement for the implementation of the agenda of " New Public Management " . Agenda sought to apply the principles of the private sector in the management of public services , based on the five principles ( doctrines ) major : " putting the customer at the heart of the state , thereby weakening the public sector mentality , decentralization of responsibilities at the level closest to scope; giving accounts of government officials to the community , emphasizing the quality of service and efficiency of public bodies and , finally, replacing traditional procedural control assessment on the basis of resultsConsequently, the " decentralization of responsibilities to local communities and school autonomy aimed to increase the efficiency of school management - believing that the decisions taken at the closer job to ensure the best use of public resources . This dual theory in this period led reforms in the Czech Republic , Poland , Slovakia and the Baltic states , which split the previous system , highly centralized , created the opportunity to adopt new rules for public management . School autonomy , often , is part of the same legislative framework with political decentralization - as two boxes glued together - as local authorities , who have gained new responsibilities may, in this spirit , the new delegate assignments schools dependents .In most countries , currently , school autonomy is seen as a means to improve the quality of education . Whether it is a place that restarts a process begun in the past decades , such as Bulgaria , the Czech Republic or Portugal , or a country that is in the first steps of this route , such as Germany , Luxembourg and Romania , the emphasis is on analysis finely responsibilities to be transferred . Greater attention is paid to pedagogical autonomy that is more closely associated with improved outcomes in school .The elevated level of a basic principle for school management and policy ( autonomous institutions should be to guarantee freedom of learning , to strengthen local democracy school and complete decentralization process ) school autonomy is done in days our , in most countries , an instrument for achieving the primary goals of education : school and give teachers more freedom to develop the quality of education .Second , determining the level of autonomy considers , firstly , the general features of this model of school governance full autonomy , ( where schools make decisions within the limits of law and the general regulatory framework for education , without the intervention of external bodies , but without denying their right to higher authority you check ) ; limited autonomy , which refers to cases when schools make decisions , choosing within a defined group of choices , imposed by authority on higher education ( or obtain approval for their decisions by such an authority ) ; conditional autonomy , which refers to the experiences of those countries where education providers and / or local authorities may choose , or not , to delegate authority their decisions in some areas of the school . If this occurs, may result in differences between schools and areas of responsibility delegated .School autonomy in its volume encompasses three main elements:• Persons who exceed the authority to make decisions ;• area where exercised managerial decision making , where as most important are finances , staff and curriculum ;• regulations which control what decisions are made and how to accountGeneral - Sense LeadershipIn everyday language , the word " leadership " in general is meant to lead or ability to run and is generally associated with the duty or authority pergjegesine official or a person.Successful leader creates an efficient system of information and documentation. There can be no exchange governance and management of information . Information is the factor of uncertainty avoidance and prevention of disorganization . To keep the information system , the leader must be able to use the computer .Personality of the leader determines the success of leadership• The leader should be an integrated personality and full of quality possess physical , mental , ethical , emotional , aesthetic and technical work . Above average intelligence quotient etc. .. Sincerity , honesty , fairness , courage , bravery , determination , stamina, self-discipline , etc. .• Properties '' negative '' leaders are : dilentatizmi , command , tutorizmi , bureaucracy , hindering initiatives , arbitrary , treachery , pragmatism , careerism , technocracy , sycophancy , poltronizmi , unhealthy ambition , manipulatizmi , perfiditeti , josinqeriteti , cynicism , sharlatanizmi , intrigue , etc. ...Profile of successful leaders :• Professional teachers• Manager• Researcher• Pupil• Predictive - Innovator• Coordinator businessman

 There are several definitions for leadership , which tried to define the functions , attributes and key role of leader .1 ) Leadership is defined as a complex process during which a person influences others to achieve the mission , task , or goal using his attributes ( belief , values ​​, ethics , character , knowledge and skills ) .2 ) Leadership is the ability to present a vision that others want to reach . Leadership requires the ability to build relationships with other people and toorganize resources effectively . Any man can be a leader .3 ) Leaders manage the dream . All leaders have the ability to create a compelling vision for others , that the lead people in new places , and you then make it a reality . Leadership is a function of knowledge of self , a vision that is communicated clearly , is building trust among colleagues , and taking effective measures to realize their leadership potential .

Chapter ll : MethodologyThe methodology has been selected in accordance with the purpose of study and includes various methods and instruments for collecting the necessary information .Population of this study are principals and teachers of public schools in the city and Lushnja Kavajes . Includes schools that have a geographical space not close to each other in order to study cover a good part to the fact that the number of schools included in the study is small .The study involved teachers respectively corresponding to 25 to 56 years old ageSchools participating in the study are :- Alexander Moses Kavaja- October 18 LushnjeAnother instrument used in the study is of unstructured interviews . For its construction was used all the available literature and information obtained from direct contact with principals and teachers of the respective schools . This interview aims to measure important variables of the study , which are closely related to the role of leadership and autonomy of schools .. Also this interview collected information about their teachers and work with students . For the construction of this interview were used various theoretical perspectives and direct contact with teachers that are taken for this study . . This interview consists of five questions are not structured and used about eight interviews . Question first requires information on the number of years of employment as a teacher at the school . The following questions are designed to get informacioon regarding leadership .

Analysis of resultsQualitative analysis was based on information obtained from interviewing the principals and the teachers realized FAQ .ethical IssuesUsually in general studies or research planned in order to minimize opportunities without real results and conducted under supervision . This is also found in this study .For carrying out the study in the first place is requesting permission Directorate respective schools .. These entities were announced purpose of the study , stages , methodology and familiarity with the results achieved in each time period .Also information about this study and how it will become , have teachers who were also the main part of the realization of the interview.It is guaranteed by preserving confidentiality of data and making informed that they would be used only for this study .validityIn this diploma thesis or study may have elements that weaken or strengthen validity . These elements are distributed in several major phases of work:a) The planning phase of the study- provision of adequate resources of time , financial and human resources to undertake the study .- the selection of an appropriate time period .champion or appropriate population .- selection of appropriate methodology- institutional instruments suitable for data collection .The right - operacionalozim .
The second and third questions the validity of the study , while the first element and the others that follow support it .b ) phase of data collection- know subjects taking part in the study and this makes them not to be very honest in providing information.impact of situational factors - ie since the data gathered through this school environments can exert a pretty big impact on learners .- provision of standardized procedures .- adhering to ethical and privacy issues .Even here we have elements that weaken or strengthen the validity of the study . The first two elements of the study questioned , while the latter two support it .c ) The stages of data analysis- statistical treatment and proper interpretation and objective data .- knowledge of the relations and factors affecting the data.Both these elements of support and make it worthwhile study .

Chapter III : Results of the studyThis chapter contains the results and key findings of the study . Results are presented in the form of statistical data and are grouped according to the study design and hypotheses .Unstructured interviews1 . 1 . Information for teachers . How many years have you work as teachers , their average ageAccording to the interview done , almost most of the teachers had experience in these schools . If we take the average of the years of work of every teacher and collect them all , it appears that the result was approximately 10 years the average number of years of work of these teachers working in these shkolla.Shumica had finished school teacher for profile them and almost most of them had previous experience . mesatre their age ranged from 25 to 55 years old2 . Do you have information about school autonomy ?According to an interview done shows that all teachers and leaders are concerned about any innovation occurring or expected to occur in the context of our education system taking into account the fact that all are interested in further improvement in the quality of their school but for an improvement on a personal level through global approximation methods in the field of education .

PollsDuring the study showed that 70 % of teachers were female and 30 % were male .AgeAt the end of the study showed that 15 % of teachers were aged 23-30 years , 38 % were aged 31-39 years , 24 % aged 40-48 years and 15 % aged over 50 years .Years of work experience.At the end of the study showed that 10 % of teachers had 1-5 years of experience in this field , 21 % had 5-10 years of work experience , 41 % were 10-20 years and 30 % of teachers had over 20 years .3.A think that school autonomy can improve the educational outcomes ?
About 72 % of teachers surveyed said that school autonomy will positively influence the improvement of educational outcomes , while 28 % are for non expressed .4.Cilët can be some of the factors that may affect non-positive way of developing school autonomy in our country ?At the end of the study showed that more factor that affects the development of school autonomy is precisely the availability of an effective leader at 40 % , abuse of office occupies 10% as a way to prevent the development of autonomy , is the fact 28 % of that come from a near directive not only by government but also by way of organizing education , which seeks to definitely build a tradition with modern ways of management , as well as widely known fact that lack of funds to assist in the undifferentiated all schools and it affects 22 % possession .5.Cili is your opinion on government grants that would grant schools that will be present to win by schools through projects ?According to an interview done showed that 47 % of teachers saw as a form of delegated autonomy , 23 % as something unfair as it may not benefit all schools , 20 % of teachers shinin as an important step towards school autonomy , and 10 % of teachers as a way to create more competitive schools .6.Mendoni the leaders of our country are willing to face such a reality ?The data show that 35 % of teachers think that the leaders of our current system are not yet ready to face the fact of school autonomy while 65 % think that the leaders can cope with this new reality in our education system .7 . Do you think that an effective leader can create their own autonomous school environment , based on the contacts that can help the school financially in the exercise of his duties as school leaders ?

According to the results we see that only 5 % of teachers do not believe it can happen that a speaker can create its terrain towards school autonomy , 15 % of teachers say they have not seen any such example , while 46 % are in favor of effective leader , and 34 % say that such models already exist .
8.A is important collaboration with staff leaders in the development process of autonomy ?

 9 . Do you think that school autonomy can lead to authoritarian forms of school management ?According to the results derived from this question shows that 70 % of teachers do not feel that school autonomy can lead to authoritarian forms of governance while 30 % think it could happen something like this .10.Cili is your opinion on school autonomy ?The most frequent responses of teachers are as follows :I believe that would be a good thing.It would create more competitive schools .I believe that is something necessary .There are leaders who have already established a kind of autonomy in her personal capacity .Something good , but leaders must also selected more careful .Information for driversAfter being informed about the age of 4 2drejtuesve and Deputy Director of the respective schools had resulted in five - 15 years work experience and had worked as deputy directors directors , conducted the interview as follows :1.A have information on school autonomy ?The answer is yes in all cases and were willing to bashpunonin educational structures for its development in their schools .2.A you seem an important step towards the autonomy of the new high school curriculum ?The answer is yes as long as they can choose subjects that can adapt to the conditions and environment that offers local community .3.Cili is your opinion on that will award grants to government schools that will provide the best projects ?They saw this as a way to promote school competition and as a very important step towards autonomy .4.A think its you as the leader of your school may be more helpful to promote the domestic development of your school and autonomy ?The response was such that at times they had done something like that thanks to the efforts that were made ​​in collaboration with the community .5.If you would have more power over your school as they circled the staff ?Replies in this case were as had happened so far , cooperation and perhaps a bit more drejtësi.dhe suggestion for the selection of staff .6.Cili is your opinion on school autonomy ?A.Përgjigjet most common directors :Will help me to apply what I un on different situations in school .Will promote the development of internal school .It is something good because it will modernize and make it more competitive our education System.Unfortunately .Possibilities will create more Merja you own some decisions and timely .Will give me the solution will allow staff in accordance with market demand .Will give me better will allow the school to Running after going feel a bit like its owner .

Chapter IV : DiscussionSchool-based autonomy means decentralization of authority from central government to the level of the school . He can be seen as a formal change of governance structures , which identifies individual schools as primary units of improvement . In this way , carried a redistribution of decision-making authority , the authority considered that the first instrument through which can stimulate and support educational improvement . So , in this decentralization process , responsibility and decision-making authority over school operations transferred to principals , teachers and parents , sometimes students and members of the school community . Of course , these actors school level should be confirmed and / or operate within the policies set by the central government .Various existing forms of " school-based Autonomy " explained depending on who has the power to make decisions and what is the level of decision-making that is transferred to the school level . In some cases , school-based autonomy , authority transfers only to principals or teachers , in other cases encourages or mandates parental participation in community or school activities . In general , school-based autonomy " of transferring authority to one or more of the following activities :• Employment and dismissal of teachers and other school staff .• Develop curriculum.• Procurement of textbooks and other learning materials .• Improvement of infrastructure• Results of student learning• Allocation of budgetIn developed countries , the basic idea behind " school-based autonomy " is : Who works in the school building should have more control in managing what happens in this building . In developing countries , this idea is less ambitious and more focused on community involvement and parents in school decision-making process than setting them completely under control . However , in general , in both cases, the central role of education is unquestionable and the precise definition of this role affects the way of conceiving and implementing the activities of this movement ..Some reservations for " school-based Autonomy "Despite essence of school-based management , nobody doubts the interdependence between government , school administration , classroom behavior and , in many cases , the attitudes of parents . So presumably the practical implementation of school-based Autonomy provides assurance that all these actors work together in a mutual belief system . However , the delegation of decision-making power at the school level means that some groups outside the school , such as the director of MES , RED / EO , is likely to lose part of their power , thus changing the power dynamics within each school . Eg this means that the work of classroom teachers to undergo an audit, which until now was performed by inspection sectors at central and regional levels. The fact that already performs this task KIPA means that the respective departments of MES and RED - s role lose inspection on schools , therefore , the power that accompanies the possession of this role .Consequently , the definition of school-based management as the transfer of power , inevitably , its implementation difficult , because while some actors gain , others lose .The thing that is difficult to accept , given the fact that the most widespread powers transferred to the school level are those that concern most schools : their administration ( staff and budget ) , their pedagogy ( curriculum and teaching practices ) and their external relations ( with the power and the local community ) . As school staff , parents and local community members more decision-making passes , central and local power-holders who lose their authority (and therefore seek to regain it ) that derives from the power to budget allocation, hiring and firing of teachers out of work . This is a new mentality that should replace the old one . But , " it is easier to divide the nucleus of the atom - says Einstein - how to break a mentality . " On the other hand , often , school-based autonomy requires that teachers play a greater role in the governance and management of schools where working . Naturally , this new role and broadens the scope of their work . But one should not forget the fact that this new role requires them to consume more time and energy , which can often limit their traditional freedom to accomplish what they want within their classes . Not all teachers consider taking additional roles and responsibilities even when these changesare essential . Therefore , making the school the center of educational policy change .But what is the level of school autonomy in Albanian education ?

It is too early to talk about autonomy strong and very strong Albanian school . However , some developments that are taking place to discuss creating conditions for this level of autonomy . Let's start with the decentralization of the system . There are some powers that have passed local education authorities and local government . Maintenance of schools , dormitories management are strong elements of decentralization . If you go down to the school level , we can not say that schools have no autonomy . We can admit that they have a limited autonomy , which tends to be moderate . Thus , the teacher has earned the right to decide to develop a chapter or subject line in one case up to 10 % more , or up to 10 % less teaching hours , versus the number of hours stipulated in the respective subject program . Meanwhile , the called " free hours " , which occupies 10 % -15 % of the total hours , the instructor can use to enhance curriculum subjects , be tested , Matura curricular projects , teaching modules , subject to choices , different activities and assessments at the school level student achievement .
Soon schools gained competence to offer electives for their students , as well as to make the equivalence of students who pass from one category to another school . On the other hand , Altertext , still far from an act that guarantees autonomy in selecting school curriculum , has given schools the power to choose textbooks in the mosaic offers MES . Also, the school has gained the power to the collection, storage and use of proceeds from donations from parents of school -university education , a right which is managed and monitored by the school board .
Government student , parent council , council -level discipline are institutional actors , who lay tracks expected autonomy higher education . The thing that seems to movements undertaken for teacher licensing and certification of school leaders , the rights of schools to choose teaching staff , a new policy in the field of training of teachers etc. . So , if you can not determine the degree of autonomy of the Albanian school in the context of the above , we can state with conviction that her life has many elements that provide taste somewhat stronger autonomy . These developments have identified the other side of the problem , which has h do with who takes decision-making power when it goes to the school level .

This is a difficult task and our education system needs to optimize the existing menu of four models of decision-making power :1 ) administrative control2 ) professional control
3 ) Community control4 ) control the balanceAdministrative Control of MBS ( Dutch model ) exceeds the authority to the school principal . This model aims to make schools more responsive to local education authorities through increased efficiency of personnel expenses and curriculum , and increasing the responsibility of every person in the school to local education authorities . MBS Professional Control ( Finnish model ) exceeds the decision-making authority to teachers , aiming at better use of knowledge to the needs of school teachers in classroom level . Likewise , the full participation of teachers in decision-making can motivate them to work better , which is associated with increased effectiveness and efficiency in teaching . Community Control of MBS ( Mexico , New Zealand , Salvador , etc. . ) Exceeds the decision to parents or the community . In this model , it is assumed that teachers and managers to become more responsive to the needs of parents and the curriculum can / should reflect local needs and preferences . Balanced control of MBS ( Michigan , some states of Mexico , etc. . ) Decision of balances between parents and teachers , who are the two main actors of each school . The model aims to use the knowledge of teachers to improve school management , to make it more accountable to parents . Generally , in the world , existing models of school-based management are a mixture of the above four models . In most cases , power was given a formal legal actor in the form of the school board or the school management committee , consisting of teachers and the principal . Almost all versions of MBS , community representatives participate in these organisms .The degree of school autonomy varies between private fundraising ( donations and sponsorships , income from renting out school premises and loans ) and expenditure. Schools are generally fairly autonomous in fundraising donations . In Spain , schools can not receive additional resources from activities conducted by the Association of parents and students to meet their goals and use of these funds is subject to regulation . Finally, in this group of countries , school funding through loans is usually the prerogative of the central authorities , only schools in Slovenia can take credit with the approval of higher authorities . In the Netherlands , it is formally possible delegation of authority from the competent authorities in connection with loans , but that is most likely to remain in the area of the competent authorities .In many places , the school was granted full autonomy regarding the management of non-teaching staff , which does not happen in the case of the school principal and teachers .As to the school principal , the measure of autonomy depends on the place : whether Autonomy (selection , description of duties and rights , determining disciplinary measures and dismissal ) , even when it does not exist .LEADERSHIP

 Chapter : V Conclusions and recommendationsIn conclusion , the most significant finding of this study the policy of school autonomy is the diversity of reforms that have been implemented under this umbrella , in the course of a process that has been extended to more than two decades . The policies carry different characteristics depending on the period , the country , even to and from geographic areas where they are applied .In the first place , policies vary from periods when they are developed . School autonomy is a principle that has been developed in Europe for more than two decades . The issue has been at the heart of education reforms of the 1980s in countries such as Spain , France and the UK and is quite interesting even in countries such as Germany and Luxembourg , which are already in the process of change .These different landscape explain why- reform goals differ about the time when insurance was implemented democracy and local school level , decentralization. development of state machinery or develop the quality of democracy .However , except for different purposes can be observed that , in most countries , school autonomy policy may gradually become independent of extensive renovation policy of the state of administrative decentralization in education .In more concrete terms , some of the aspects related to process jetërsimit school autonomy , in order to improve the quality of student achievement appear to be :a) Developing effective policies for self-management of the school . Increasing the ability of the school to vetëvepruar related to strengthening the capacities belonging curricular areas and administrative management . MES is trying to institutionalize the school board and school principals develop professionally , in the context of the new policy for appointment to the post which will be achieved :• definition of responsibilities for school leaders ;• Leadership training programs for school piloted and evaluated ;• School Board building in all schools ;• piloting and evaluation of activities that develop tyre22 schools budget .This is because of lack of competence found Boards for planning school activities , school finances , finding additional financial resources etc. . , As determined powers of the director lacked the time to ensure quality of products as strategic planning ; sources , reports on educational achievements and financial aspects etc. .b ) The orientation of the decision by educational standards and quantitative and qualitative indicators .
Moving towards school autonomy is seeking the fulfillment of the conditions , as it helps the use of standards and indicators for assessing the quality and efficiency of educational attainment . Cultivating culture to decision-making based not on opinions , but on the data, indicators and standards - as a basic condition for transition to school autonomy - turns out to be a challenge , which requires confronting professional engagement and pilotage .c ) Building capacity to prepare and manage operational plans and school development .Despite the efforts of MES and its subordinate agencies still have not found that school administrators with professional competence good planning , which will provide medium- skilled planning and annual school . In terms of this autonomous school lacked capacity directly affects the quality of educational services provided by schools . To take important clarification and improvement of competencies for resource planning by the leadership of the school .The elevated level of a target or a basic principle for school management and policy ( autonomous institutions should be to guarantee freedom of learning , to strengthen local democracy school and complete decentralization ) school autonomy has become nowadays , in most countries , an instrument for achieving primary education : to give more freedom to schools and teachers to develop the quality of education .d ) Development of quality systems accountability . School autonomy balanced with quality systems of accountability . Such systems make educational institutions are encouraged to meet their obligations regarding the mandate , assess and report levels of achievement and to pursue completion of necessary measures for further improvement , report regularly to the efficiency of the use of public funds and institutional resources , but at the same time , leadership , staff and students can respond to the actions and achievements . Accountability systems at the level of institutions that administer the system imply regulatory systems , strengthening management capacity and encouraging public participation and control . All these achievements enable assessment as a basis for ensuring transparency and accountability .Reflection on leadership• Knowing how to do a job , is the result of work• To show others , is achievement of teachers• Taking care to make others work , is manager achievement .• To frymëzosh others to do better work , is to achieve leadershipDespite our efforts to distinguish governance and leadership , governance and leadership can hardly be divided into daily school life .The future belongs to those who learn what they should learn to do what must be done .- Dennis Waitley .

REFERENCESteacher magazineInstitute of Pedagogical Studies : " Pedagogical Magazine " . Tirana 2004Institute of Pedagogical Studies : "Administration and Management Education " . Tirana 2004Karameta , Trumpeter , Characteristics of LeadershipFullan , Michael , Force of Change in EducationMoses Bardhyl : Psychology Education , Publishing House " Peggy " , Tirana 1999.Rapti , Edmond , School LeadershipNational Education Strategy 2009-2013

AppendicesUnstructured interviews
1.Informacion for teachers . How many years have you work as teachers , their average age2.A have information about school autonomy ?3.A think that school autonomy can improve the educational outcomes ?4.Cilët can be some of the factors that may affect non-positive way of developing school autonomy in our country ?5.Cili is your opinion on government grants that would grant schools that will be present to win by schools through projects ?6.Mendoni the leaders of our country are willing to face such a reality ?7 . Do you think that an effective leader can create their own autonomous school environment , based on the contacts that can help the school financially in the exercise of his duties as school leaders ?8.A is important collaboration with staff leaders in the development process of autonomy ?9 . Do you think that school autonomy can lead to authoritarian forms of school management ?10.Cili is your opinion on school autonomy ?
Information for drivers1.A have information on school autonomy ?2.A you seem an important step towards the autonomy of the new high school curriculum ?3.Cili is your opinion on that will award grants to government schools that will provide the best projects ?4.A think its you as the leader of your school may be more helpful to promote the domestic development of your school and autonomy ?5.If you would have more power over your school as they circled the staff ?6.Cili is your opinion on school autonomy ?


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